Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This is an email Tyler got from his Geography teacher. I wanted to post it because I think it is so cute how they talk and wanted to show how kind the teachers are at the kids school. They have been trying so hard to help my kids with the transition and I am so thankful for this!!

Hi Tyler,

First I have to say that my english is not so good, it´s like a "macarronic english" how you can see...but I have one suggestion for you...

I try wrote to you in english...and you try wrote to me in portuguese and both of us correct the erros one of the other...

In this first two months of geography class, we learn about the formation of capitalism, who is the way of production to our society, however...before we start to learn about the capitalism, I had to know how are your geography knowledge, for this you have to do a diagnostic activity about your neighborhood...I send to you in this message one file showing a enviroment diagnostic of MY eighborhood, and I want and need to do my work that you do the same thing about your new neighborhood, but I want that you watch and wrote a few informations about the place that you are living, how:

1- A map or satelite image (by google earth) with informations about where is your neighborhood is located in the city or where is you house located n the city;

2 - informations about the economic activities developed in the place;

3 - your personal opinion about the profile of the neighborhood and its residents.

You can do it in your computer using office programs and send me by e-mail or print and give to me in classroom...

Please have no fear or shame to write and ask me about our doubts...

Thank´s for you patience to read this...

João Paulo


  1. So cute! My mission president used to talk like that to me also. they have such a huge desire to learn english. They r probably looking forward to having your kids to learn from! Such a great opportunity for u all! I know I have said it before but I am still JEALOUS!!

  2. love that. i hope you are all doing well. how are your days?
