Sunday, February 20, 2011

You Make Me Proud

Today was one of those days when I was so proud of my family it made me cry. We went to our new church here in Brazil a little early on accident. We didn't know it was daylight savings. We could have had an extra hour of sleep! Nothing like spending four hours at church:) Jake was able to bless the sacrament in Portuguese. Amazing! he did an Awesome job and Tyler helped pass the sacrament. Alison and Kyle and I learned a primary song in Portuguese and Tim was called to be the Secretary for our Bishop. It was a big day and it truly amazes me how fast everyone is adjusting to our new normal. My good friend Rebecca just made a new post on her blog titled "You Can Do Hard Things". She is right! We can all do hard things. I just have to keep reminding myself!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Beautiful Weather

Ali and Kyle enjoying a game of UNO on the balcony. They have always played so well together. When Kyle was really little they would play school. Ali would be the teacher and try to get him to say new words. I would love to listen to them. One day when Kyle was two she was trying to teach him the word engagement. I don't know why, but it made me chuckle.

The dogs however are not enjoying this hot weather as much as the kids. We decided to get them in the pool to cool them off. I think Cooper likes this more than Rex.

Ali is trying to teach them to get out of the pool by themselves using the ladder. So far Cooper can do it but Rex needs help.

Alison has to corner Rex. He fights to get away, but afterward his tongue goes back in his mouth and I think he is much more comfortable.

This pool is definitely one of the favorite things about Brazil.
We Love It!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pork and Cheese
My dad served his mission for our church in Brazil many years ago. When I was very little we loved to hear him speak Portuguese. At the dinner table we would beg him to say the prayer on our food in this crazy language that made us laugh. I always thought he was speaking Pork and Cheese. We were at the dinner table so this name sounded right to me. Now here all these years later I am in Brazil trying to learn this crazy language. I have been trying out a few new words here and there, but nobody understands me! I think I may be speaking Pork and Cheese after all!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This is an email Tyler got from his Geography teacher. I wanted to post it because I think it is so cute how they talk and wanted to show how kind the teachers are at the kids school. They have been trying so hard to help my kids with the transition and I am so thankful for this!!

Hi Tyler,

First I have to say that my english is not so good, it´s like a "macarronic english" how you can see...but I have one suggestion for you...

I try wrote to you in english...and you try wrote to me in portuguese and both of us correct the erros one of the other...

In this first two months of geography class, we learn about the formation of capitalism, who is the way of production to our society, however...before we start to learn about the capitalism, I had to know how are your geography knowledge, for this you have to do a diagnostic activity about your neighborhood...I send to you in this message one file showing a enviroment diagnostic of MY eighborhood, and I want and need to do my work that you do the same thing about your new neighborhood, but I want that you watch and wrote a few informations about the place that you are living, how:

1- A map or satelite image (by google earth) with informations about where is your neighborhood is located in the city or where is you house located n the city;

2 - informations about the economic activities developed in the place;

3 - your personal opinion about the profile of the neighborhood and its residents.

You can do it in your computer using office programs and send me by e-mail or print and give to me in classroom...

Please have no fear or shame to write and ask me about our doubts...

Thank´s for you patience to read this...

João Paulo

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Our New Friends!

Our first weekend here was very busy. There are a few families from church that get together every Friday for pizza and they invited us to join. The pizza was very interesting. The crust is similar to ours at home, but they do not use any sauce and the cheese is very different. They also use very different toppings like egg, peas, beef jerky and corn. After pizza we went for ice cream. It was a fun, but late evening. Everything is very late here. Most dinners don't start till 9pm. On Sunday we went to a BBQ at the Gomez house ( a guy Tim use to work with ). It was the best meal we have had here in Brazil so far. Steak, Chicken, Sausage, Fried Cheese, and potato salad. If we keep this up we will all be growing bigger!

Monday, February 7, 2011

First Day of School
Escola Objetivo
The kids were all very brave. I think I may have been the most nervous. Tim and I went in with them to help find classrooms. The staff was ready and waiting for us. I can only speak to the English teacher, but she is very kind and gave me her phone number if I needed anything. Alison shed a few tears right at first, but they were a lot calmer than I had imagined.

Everyone wears a uniform until you get to high school. They look great and are very comfortable. I think everyone is happy! When I go to pick up the kids they are always surrounded by a big group of friends. Children here love to practice their English!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I swiped this post from my good friends blog. If you want to laugh and cry all at the same time you should follow her. She is a great writer !
Groundhog Day

Saying Good-bye

Television programs can have real human application. Even shallow and surfacy sit-coms can come to mind when one needs to problem solve. Who hasn't used a phrase or a slang from one such show to lighten the mood or make others laugh? The reality is that television has tremendous implications and affect on our culture and moments of self-searching.

For instance I watched the program "Cheers" as a teenager and now find myself recalling such an episode to help me through a challenging moment. In this episode one of the bar-maids, Carla, is dating a professional athlete. Carla discovers that she is bad luck for her man while he plays and so in an effort to keep him as her boyfriend and allow him to play his best they break up before each game. Their break-ups are intense and really! really! mean. They yell and sling accusations to one another. None of this was done privately but instead as bar patrons watched and listened in horror. The regulars paid no attention but new patrons were aghast with their words of anger. After his game was over and all had gone well for him, they resumed their relationship until the next game.
Today this episode will guide my words as I try to say goodbye to my friend Richelle. I think in an effort for me to deal with her leaving I have a few mean words to sling her way.

1. You have never ever cared for my kids. I can see in the way that you talk to them and laugh with them that it has all been a sham. Your compliments and praise of my kids seemed rehearsed and empty.Your offers of advice and concern have seemed shallow and unfeeling.

2. Shane never liked it when you picked him up from school and took him to get polar pops or made him laugh with your fun and sweet antics...there I said it, "Sweet" He didn't retell funny Richelle stories. That would mean he liked being with you.

3. Cassie was only acting like she could be her complete self with you. She only was pretending that she felt safe and loved by you. She saw right through your seeming understanding of her. Remember the time you consoled her after she lost her retainers? You drove back to the school and took time to help. She told me later that you said you would look through dumpsters if it meant you could keep her from crying. are good at this acting genuine stuff.

4. Remember when you would come over for haircuts to our home and all of us would come downstairs just to visit and laugh with you? No one ever looked forward to your visits. You should know I had to force every one of my kids with threats.

5. What about your contagious laugh? It's not.

6. This summer when we rode on the train with our kids to Kansas City, I had no fun...none at all. The museums we went to, the restaurants we visited and the fun times at our "travel deal, best price evva" suites caused me great suffering. When we went to Liberty Jail and Independence Visitors Center I was just pretending like it was fun to be there with a family that cared about the same things that I did.

7. When you suggested ideas for our families to get together for FHE and you had the lesson, I am pretty sure I could have come up with a better one. And the game nights together...well let's just say that I wished you had not been there to laugh so much and make it fun. It was way too loud for my liking.

8. Although I missed the family softball game between our families I only laugh at it's retelling to make you feel better about calling all of your kids losers.

9. Your opinions and "realness" about bladder control, church gossips, mean people, politics and diets were unwelcomed opinions and I don't know why you ever felt at ease in my home to express them.

10. Lunch with you...well it was ok. I got a meal each time so that made it bearable. Shopping afterward; I had to do that anyway.

11. Bringing your children into our home when you were doing haircuts DID not make me love them at all. I could never go out of my way for any of them. I did not enjoy Kyle as a baby sleeping on our couch, or Jake as a quiet chubby kid, now grown to a great teenageer, Tyler as the keeper of all things funny and your brown-eyed beauty, Alison. Just don't care!

12. Your candid and real ways were never refreshing. Don't you know that people are watching and expect you to at least act like you are perfect? Such an embarrassment for me!

13. I can't recall anything that has even allowed us to remain friends. Nothing like walking together, going on double dates together, taking pictures, attending swim meets, going to pep rallies, yard sales with the cops taking our customers away in handcuffs...etc. I am sure there are many more that I will think of later.

14. I never felt pretty after you cut and colored my hair.

15. Rachel, Carly and Jenna don't really see you as a friend. Agreed you did some nice up-do's for prom and dances for them but your offer of friendship was meaningless. It didn't mean anything if after the haircut was done they would stay with you for hours visiting and listening.

16. My kids screaming out the front door as you left, " I love you Richelle!" was just an effort to make you uncomfortable with the word, LOVE. They don't feel it.

17. Your dinner and help with my kids when I was down from surgery were nice but I think you did it unwillingly. Your smile and lack of hesitation revealed how you really felt.

18. Knowing that you will be gone and so far away in Brazil makes me understand how much easier Sundays will be without you. I will not miss your under the breath, yet appropriate comments in Relief Society and the treats you brought to that same meeting to keep my blood sugar up. I will not be looking for you in my Sunday School class anymore cause now I know why you truly aren't there.

19. The spray tan experience will not be one of the most funny and embarrassing moments of my life. I will not be able to recall this and laugh and cry at the same time. It is not and never will be a picture or feeling I will be able to conjure up in my head for laughs when I want to remember your friendship. Such a horrible and unrefined experience should be forgotten and buried!

20. I will not say that I will miss you more than you can understand. I will not say good-bye like I care that you are leaving me behind. I will not worry about you or call you while you live behind barbed wire and glass coated concrete walls. I will not think of you and wonder how you are doing. I will not pray that your kids are doing well in school and with the language shock. I will not hope that you have time to work on some of your dreams and talents while a maid does all your housework.

And yet all the while I write this, I am sad to be getting rid of such an mediocre friend.


Cause it is in how you live your life you have revealed your heart.

School Supplies

School started just 5 days after we arrived so we quickly got the supply list and headed out. It took a good 45 minutes to find the store and when we did we must have looked very overwhelmed because 3 nice store workers took our lists and became our personal shoppers.

I was glad we left the kids at home. This store was wall to wall people and no air conditioning. None of the supplies were anything like what I am use to buying. I had to keep telling our shoppers no princess stuff for Alison and Tim was freaking out at the prices. At home you can get a set of Markers for a few dollars here ours were 24 dollars. I don't know how people survive. I guess that's why there is so much poverty. I think we still need a few more things from the lists, but we got what we could find and we will continue to look.