Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Tim left for Brazil yesterday. He is there to nail down a few final details before the kids and I join him. We found out a few days ago that the house we had chosen was rented to someone else so we are scrambling for a place to live. I'm trying to keep calm and enjoy the last 2 weeks the kids and I have in St. Louis. This has not been easy and requires a Tylenol PM to sleep at night :) I know when we are gone we will miss this place and all our friends and family desperately. I am learning that moving out of the country is just one complication after another and have learned many great lessons through this process. Many months ago when Emerson (Tim's employer) was trying to decided if they wanted Tim to relocate we had many days when one day we'd be moving then the next things would fall apart and we'd be staying. It was a stressful time and emotions were very high. On a particularly hard day I was trying to help Jake prepare a talk for church. I was not happy to be doing this. Tim is much better at this than I, but I knew I could not ask one more thing of him. As we searched the scriptures and other materials from Conference talks I came across a scripture in the Doctrine And Covenants and it said "BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD". This has helped me in many aspects of my life. I tend to be an intense, impatient, and impulsive kind of person so daily (or for me many times daily) I have to remind myself to be still and remember God is in control. I am grateful for this adventure and for the lessons God is teaching me!


  1. I am sorry that we didn't get to know you and your family better. I feel so bad when I hear so many others rant and rave about your family. I know that you will be missed and we wish you guys all the best!

  2. I am sooooooooooo sad you are leaving and will look to this blog for all of my much needed richelle updates. I love this post and shared it with carly this week.
