Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rest and Relaxation
Doctors orders!

The past couple of weeks have been full of doctor visits and medication. Tim had glaucoma surgery a couple of weeks ago. His eye seems to be doing good. He took a week off work and I took care of him while he snuggled up on the couch for days. I was completely jealous, but knew my time was coming. Last week I had a hysterectomy. The first 48 hours were pretty rough, but after that it's been smooth sailing. My mom (Grandma Lou) was able to come out for a week to help take care of us. She cooked all my favorite childhood meals and treats. The kids really loved that. Especially Alison who constantly wants to hear stories about when I was a kid. I am enjoying the fact that I'm staying in my pj's all day long and those pain pills are not so bad either. :) We are trying to get all our major medical issues out of the way so once in Brazil we can take our time finding new doctors etc, etc.....

1 comment:

  1. hope you are doing better. so nice of your mom to come and help. there's no one to take care of you like mom
