Saturday, October 16, 2010

I finally was able to visit Brazil for my first time. The company Tim works for would like to transfer him there for the next three years. It was time for me to check it out and see if I think we could survive there. After the initial culture shock I thought it was a okay place.

This is a picture of the city of Sorocaba.

Next stop was to visit the school.

The kids will attend an all Portuguese curriculum private school. It sounds scary to me, but everyone told us the kids will be fluent within 4 to 6 months. I hope they're right!!


Next we spent a couple of days looking at houses. This one is our favorite so far. It is in a very safe gated community and when they say gated they mean armed guards and razor wire around the entire neighborhood.

I felt save inside the community, but driving around was a different story. It will take a little time to adjust! Overall it was a fun trip and we are looking forward to our new adventure!!


  1. it will be an awesome experience for the kids, it does sound a little scary with razor wire and armed guards, can the kids play anywhere??
    i will see you next week!

  2. That looks like a million dollar house compared to the ones I lived in while there. Armed guards are good as long as you are friends with them. Make them treats and they will love you!!

  3. It's so exciting. I can't wait to come out and see you...again and again.

  4. I found you! I love the pictures of the kids on the blog :)
