Monday, March 14, 2011


The kids spent the week of Carnival at a camp with our church. I think it is a way to keep the kids safe and out of trouble. Alison and Tyler were not sure they wanted to go, but with a little coaxing and a few tears they decided to give it a try.

They had lots of fun activities. Here is Alison trying to learn how to sew. Her and Fernanda were best of friend the entire time.

The boys got to go repelling. Here is Jake giving it a try!

This is a stray dog that would get in the girls tent at night and try to sleep with them. Yuck!

The most favorite was the Dance and BBQ on the last night. I guess they don't really care about the 14 and up rule here. Alison (11yrs) dancing with a boy! Yikes!:)

Tyler and his buddies!

What a great time they all had!

I was so bored while they were gone. I drove up there a couple of times to check and make sure things were okay. On my way up I ran over the biggest spider I have ever seen. I have been carefully going through and washing all the stuff they brought home. So far no creatures have been found!


  1. camp is the best way to bond with friends, so happy they went! what a funny experience to put them all together! so what have you been doing?!

  2. You didn't want them to participate in Carnival? Crazy! It looks like you guys are doing so good. I am so happy for you. Are you guys coming home in July?
