Monday, June 13, 2011

Feels like Christmas!

We have been in Brazil for almost 5 months and finally our air shipment arrived. A little Rolley, Polley man knocked on my door with the good news, but said we needed to figure out how to unload his truck ourselves. WHAT??? Did he think we own a fork lift? There were two pallets with boxes weighing about 350 lbs. each. I was determined to get that stuff so Tim made a phone call from work and sure enough we had 3 great friend ready to help.

I've never been so happy to see my kitchen such a disaster!!!

The kids were great helpers and hopefully we will have all this stuff organized soon!
Tim is so crazy at work so he missed all the drama, but it seems like a daily thing around here so there will be more to share I'm sure of it.

Now if the boat will arrive we will officially live here! Yikes, it's kind of been like a on going trip, but reality is starting to sink in. I will be so happy to sleep in my own bed though. The rental furniture has been so not comfortable and both Tim and I are feeling it!