Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Jen!

Today is my most favorite sister's Birthday.
( okay only sister, but if I had more she'd be it )
Last year I was able to go to Utah and spend her birthday with her. Now it is just too far! When we were growing up she was the perfect older sister who never got in trouble and I was the annoying little sister. Luckily we have grow out of that and are best of friends no matter how far apart we live!


  1. Happy birthday to Jen! I know so little about her and have met her only a few times and I think she's pretty terrific!
    Just cause I'm taking the time to post...ugh...we sure miss you all!

  2. I know if we had another sister she could never be as cool as us and for sure you would be my favorite! And I was perfect and didn't get in as much trouble because I was more sneaky and good at acting innocent! I really should have gotten in trouble! But mom will never know!
